CCCA Hair Loss | Articles & Info

Could your diet be making your CCCA condition worse?

Could your diet be making your CCCA condition worse?

Let's face it: the last thing we have time for is a complicated diet plan. But, in this case it's super important that you give yourself the best chance to manage CCCA…

You’ve been diagnosed with CCCA. What now?

You’ve been diagnosed with CCCA. What now?

It can be difficult to know what to do when you find out that you have Central Centrifugal Cicatricial Alopecia (CCCA), because there's a lot of misinformation out there…

CCCA: The Silent Epidemic of the Black Community

CCCA: The Silent Epidemic of the Black Community

CCCA is a silent epidemic for Black women because the symptoms of hair loss aren’t easily identified. The average woman will notice thinning, shedding, or breakage when it’s too late to get help…

Do steroid shots for CCCA actually work?

Do steroid shots for CCCA actually work?

Interestingly, the answer to this question is not a simple yes or no. It's more of a "maybe, but probably not."

Can CCCA be treated naturally?

Can CCCA be treated naturally?

Although there is still no "cure" for CCCA, there are many forms of natural treatments that can be used together to manage CCCA…